Sunday, 17 June 2012



Hatred is a blind emotion, especially when the person in question is consciously justifying his animosity!
In my life I have found that there is no-one blinder than the one who is looking directly into the light!
We choose a certain "light" and we stick with it and these "choices" are the result of our social conditioning.
 (Download "Talking Non-Sense" to learn more about social conditioning!)

It is very difficult (if not totally impossible) to alter a persons' prejudice once such a person has been practicing his self-destructive denial for a certain length of time.
Trying to talk sense into such a person is tantamount to pouring water over artificial plants…the result of such a waste of water will be a stinking house and a breeding place for mosquito's!
I am not only referring to racism, but also to any form of social-hate; whether it be xenophobia, homophobia or racism, revulsion for people you have never met, by hook or by crook, just do not fit into the letters "IQ"!
If an individual did something really inhuman to you it is okay to have a dislike of him on grounds of being an "asshole"! But to jump into the mode of 'hating-every-person-with-blond-hair' simply because a blond guy raped your hamster is simply ridiculous!
Three black guys broke into your house? Hate them if you like, but what logic is there in hating Dulcie? Dulcie is my next-door neighbor (black neighbor) and thieves broke into her house some time ago where they stole jewellery…and she does not hate the whole human race because of that incident!
So, hating her because three persons with a similar skin-color did something "shitty" to you is beyond preposterous!

I guess I will have to initiate a blog titled "Imbecilic Anonymous" soon, but in final analysis, that would be an insult to "Imbeciles" since it is usually not in their power to hate!
I have met people with low mentalities, people who were born with some neurological dysfunction and these poor people always show a certain level of compassion that is virtually absent in the so-called "normal" people nowadays!

This "ignorance-of-arrogance" is becoming so widespread in our society that it may be labelled as an endemic!
We find this tendency eating away at humanity like cancer, destroying social relations as well as personal affairs!
It is virtually impossible to talk any form of sense into these soldiers of arrogance!
A good example of this stubborn demon of egotism is in held in one of my SLS (Strategic Life Skills) session I have conducted last weekend!

I have been working with an elderly lady for quite some time with regards to relationship problems, her husband wanted to file a divorce after 45 years of marriage!
(It crossed my mind that they should wait with the divorce until all their children have died of old age!
I have managed to convince her to bring her husband along to one of our sessions at the Dojo!

They sat down in my office but I could sense an air of hostility from the man, which I understood since I have been working with human issues for many years!
I have arranged with the lady before-hand to allow her husband to speak his heart and that she should avoid interfering with him whatsoever, no matter what he comes up with!

I asked the man to tell me, in his opinion, what their combined problems (challenges) were.

He said that he and his wife have been living separate lives ever since they went on pension; he accused her of being a workhorse and just because of that characteristic they are living 'past one another'!
He said his wife gets up every morning at 05h00, she then begins cleaning the house after which she does the washing, then she does the ironing! By the time she is finished it is already time for lunch, shortly after which she darts off to school to fetch the grandchildren…and so he went on.
He exclaimed that he tried to get her to sit down on many occasions, so that they could sit together, just for a while and just be with him, drinking tea together etc.
I wanted to know from the man what he does every morning up to lunch.
"Well, I eat the breakfast she makes me…then I watch TV and read the newspaper!" he answered.
"How long does it take her to clean the house?" I asked.
"Two bloody hours!" he replied.

"Consider this well!" I said, "If you take it onto yourself to do the cleaning of the house, you will have two hours that you can spend together!"

The man looked at me with an expression of shock and disgust; he jumped up and stormed out of my office!
"I knew this would not work!" he barked!

And this, my dear reader, is a perfect example of the arrogance-of-ignorance!
We need to do introspection, every day of our lives and whenever we see dirt in the mirror of life, we should clean it…
But, whenever we still see dirt after cleaning the mirror, it may be time to wash you face!

Written by: Eugene Halliday
Founder of: AZA s.o.c.c.

1 comment:

  1. some people just cannot accept that they are in the is so sad really...most people think they are perfect...if only they will take a closer look at themselves...but then again...i am sure most people are afraid to do just that! by doing that...and standing one side sometimes...will make life easier for you and others!
