Sunday, 29 July 2012



Copyright © AZASOS 2012

'The ultimate aim of debate should be at finding lasting solutions, not at personal victory!
The personal victory of the fool may very well become the defeat of a nation!'

The perceptual emphasis of the average man is centripetal (Tending to move toward a center) which makes it virtually impossible for him to truly solve problems!
The moment we succumb to a situation we lose the ability to see-things-for-what-they-are!
Succumbing is analogous to association, therefore the average man 'identifies-personally' with every situation that arises in life!
The key to "problem-solving" is held in the ability to detach yourself emotionally (and intellectually) from any given situation!

'While you are reading this article, you may find that your current position in 'space-and-time' remains stationary in relation to the computer screen yet, fact is that you and your computer as well as everything else in the room are traveling, right this moment, at 30km/s (108000 km/h) through space along with the rest of the planet in its orbit around the sun, but you cannot see it happening since you are an integral part of the whole!
Another analogy is the wonder of color which is held not in 'objects', but rather in light! We see "the color" of a "red" object simply because the texture of the specific item absorbs all light-vibrations and reflects red…therefore "red" is-the-only-thing-the-red-object-is-not!'

These scientific facts show us that the act of "identifying" with something is married to "ignorance" and the metaphorical "rape of social harmony" happens when this "association" with a condition goes hand-in-hand with the centripetal urge to "triumph in an argument"!

Therefore, we need to establish three coordinates whenever we wish to measure a situation with accuracy and the "point-from-where-we-measure'' being the fourth co-ordinate!
In any mathematical formula we have:
1.       The "Problem"
2.       The Formula
3.       The Solution

'Formula' is rooted in the "analysis of the problem" and the 'solution' is borne from the 'formula'! There is (in existence) no such a thing as an "isolated" incident, on the contrary; everything in the manifested universe form links-between-events! Therefore we need to shift our egos on the background when dealing with situations and moreover, we need to master the art of "looking through" things rather than "looking at" them!

We are currently sitting with "ego-challenges" in every public debate and on top of this we have individuals (with lesser socio-abilities) making very irresponsible remarks on social networks, furthering the deadly poison of ignorance among their cohorts!

Unfortunately the "art-of-intelligent-association" is not necessarily tantamount to "being literate", and I have found this ugly "demon" of discrepancy showing its revolting head in comments made by (supposed) learned individuals!
There is a gigantic difference between "academic-thought" and "intelligence" and the problem is that "wise people" seem like "crazy people" to "foolish people"!

'Long-long ago there was a very wise King in a beautiful Kingdom!
The inhabitants of the Kingdom adored their Ruler and everyone lived in harmony! In the middle of the city where everyone dwelled was a single spring of crystalline water and everyone in the small Kingdom used this one well, including the King!
Obviously the King had water stored in his Castle so that he won't have to go down to the well every day (he was wise remember)!

But one night an evil Witch went to the well and poured an obnoxious mixture into the well, bewitching the water! The result was that every person that drank from the well from that moment on turned insane!
Everyday more and more people drank of the poisoned water and slowly a rebellion arose in the peoples' minds…

"The King does not make sense anymore…" people started to whisper!

It was not long before everyone in the Kingdom started protesting against the King…
"The King is insane! We must get rid of him!" They yelled!

The king was very concerned; therefore he referred the matter to his Wizard and it was not long before the Wizard found the origin of the revolution…

"The water is poisoned, Your Majesty, the evil Witch did it!"

"What must I do? The people are going to kill me!" The King replied despondently!

The Wizard turned around and went to the well where he drew some of the poisoned water from its depths; he took the bewitched water to the King and ordered him to drink…

A few days later the revolt dissolved and the people thundered their groans of relief…
"The King is healed, the King is healed! Thank goodness, he is making sense again!"

By the edge of the forest, the shadowy figure of the old Wizard stood watching, holding on to the beautiful memory of the lost world of wisdom …'

The real mystic is not crazy; he is merely wise beyond the sane!

If you wish to learn more, contact us at AZASOS
The lessons are free of charge (and confidential)!

Written by: Eugene Halliday
Founder of the AZASOS Organization


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